A wallpaper is not an essential and necessary element to manage our computer, but no one resists the option of choosing a beautiful one for their screen. The concrete, the wallpapers for pc in 4k They are especially interesting if we want to give a unique aesthetic touch to our PC.
On the Internet we will be able to find numerous web pages from which to download high resolution wallpapers. Some offer us funds not only for the PC screen, but also for tablets and mobile devices. These websites store many high-quality images, from Full HD to 4K resolutions specially designed for the largest and most sophisticated monitors and displays.
Before continuing with this and launching ourselves to download new and spectacular wallpapers for our team, it is convenient to take into account the characteristics of our own team. And it is that not all funds are going to fit well with the resolution of our screen. it is accurate choose the right size. Otherwise, the image on the screen will be readjusted (and perhaps pixelated or distorted) by the system itself.
That said, let's see which are those pages to download the best wallpapers for pc in 4k:
This website is actually an open platform where artists and illustrators exhibit their creations. Many of them are available for free, while others are paid. What is certain is that many of them are perfect to be turned into a wallpaper. All you have to do is use the download button next to the images.
The images you host ArtStation They have exhibition quality, which is why all of them have a wide resolution, from Full HD onwards. If you decide to download any of them for your PC, don't forget to leave a comment thanking the artist.
Link: ArtStation
Another huge and varied repository of images and wallpapers to choose from: WallpapersStock. Its contents are available in numerous formats and resolutions, including 4K. There is a list in the left column of the screen to directly access the desired level. There is also another list of categories to refine your search.
A particularly attractive aspect of this website is that it can detect the screen resolution of our device computer, highlighting in bold the size that will be suitable for our screen. Very comfortable.
Link: WallpaperStock
In addition to being a news aggregator and functioning as a social network, Reddit Reddit is also a good place to go to find cool 4K PC wallpapers. Specifically, you have to visit two of its subforums or subbredits: /r/wallpaper and /r/wallpapers.
There are many users who upload here every day wallpapers of their own creation and free use. A good part of these wallpapers come in 4K resolution.
Link: RedditWallpaper
Every day they go up to HDWallpapers new images and designs of wallpapers in high resolution, so its offer does not stop growing. It is almost impossible not to find something that we like for our computer screen.
The web allows you to organize the results according to different criteria such as popularity or upload date. The search engine is an essential tool in this case, given the volume of images that this site hosts. We can search by tag, keyword or browse through its list of categories (digital art, 3D, anime, sport, architecture, etc.).
To make our lives easier when it comes to downloading funds, the web itself detects the resolution of our screen and offers us the appropriate format. Of course, the download is somewhat slower than in other websites on this list, since it takes an average of 10 seconds.
Link: HDWallpapers
One of the pages preferred by users around the world to download 4K wallpapers for PC is Wallhaven. Not only because of the huge number of spectacular images that it hosts, but also because of the ease of finding and selecting them thanks to its practical search engine.
Once you have located the wallpaper you want, you just have to click on the image to display all the information related to it: size, labels, etc. You just have to choose the resolution you want and download. Simple as that.
Link: wallhaven
We close our list with Pixabay, one of the most popular image banks on the Internet. It is a free-to-use website, although to access certain image sizes and resolutions you must register with it.
It is, in any case, a great option to find wallpapers and other images for any other use. Its offer of photos is of excellent quality, although it also offers illustrations and vector graphics, all registered in the public domain under Creative Commons/Creative Commons CC0 Licenses.
Link: Pixabay