What are dynamic and fixed IP addresses

  • IP addresses are unique identifiers on the network, classified as fixed and dynamic.
  • Dynamic IPs change frequently, offering security and privacy advantages.
  • Fixed IPs are stable and are used on servers and configurations that require constant connection.
  • It is possible to determine your IP address by contacting your provider or using online tools.


As many of you already know, IP addresses are a kind of license plate, something that helps us to identify ourselves, when circulating on the network. In this way, the pages we visit also have an assigned one. They are a very present term in our use of the Internet. But, in many cases we don't know too much about them. For example, there are two types, which are fixed or dynamic.

By its name we can already intuit some of the differences between them. But below We will talk about these fixed and dynamic IP addresses. In this way, you will be able to know what they are, in addition to the advantages that each one of them offers us.

Dynamic IP addresses

We start with dynamic IP addresses. It means that Internet providers, instead of assigning an address that never changes, you have one that can change with certain frequency. The reason why this happens is because we find changes in the network, or also if the device with which your Internet service provider restarts. Although it is possible that when this happens you will get the same IP again.

IP addresses

Dynamic IP addresses leave us a series of important advantages. On the one hand, as it is not always the same address, it is possible to avoid certain attacks. Some attacks are based on the previous IP they have collected. Therefore, if you have a different one, they will not be effective. It is also more difficult for web pages to track you in case your IP has changed. This is more effective if you have deleted or rejected cookies on said website.

Another aspect of interest is that in case your IP has been banned or blocked, for whatever reason, in a service, being dynamic, the next time it is changed, this blocking would no longer be a problem. So it is very comfortable in this regard.

In this case, dynamic IP addresses are free. The main reason is because they are the ones that the Internet providers assign to us. Thus, possible problems are solved in case there is a lack of addresses. These are the most important aspects to keep in mind about this type of address.

Fixed IP addresses

On the other hand we find the fixed IP addresses. There are times when we don't need this IP to change. For example, in situations such as setting up a website, an email service, etc. In this sense, it is when we have to look at these static or fixed directions. They always remain the same for computers and devices connected to them.

Unlike the previous ones, fixed IP addresses are paid. They are those that are usually used in FT servers, mail services or databases. They are also assigned to servers that host web pages. The main advantage they offer us is that the connection is always more stable.

There is also a higher speed in said connection. Also, on fixed IP addresses there is exclusive control, because no one else uses them. Therefore, they are a good option when using a VPN, or playing online, among many other activities. Although, in terms of security it has more risks.

Always having the same IP address means that you are more exposed to possible attacks. So, the big disadvantage that it gives us is that. Security and privacy in some specific cases. But generally they are addresses that do not give great problems, if they are used at the right time and in the right way.

IP adress

How to know which one I have

It is the question that many users have at this time. We have a couple of options that we can follow in this regard. On the one hand, we can put ourselves in contact directly with our Internet provider. It is information that they know and can share with us. So it is an option.

If you want to find out on your own, there are web pages that help us determine the IP addresses we are using. One of the best known is See my IP, which you can enter this link.

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