What are and how to add add-ons in Gmail

  • Gmail allows you to customize its functionality through add-ons, which are additional complements.
  • Add-ons work like extensions, improving the user experience in Gmail.
  • It is crucial to verify the trustworthiness of add-ons before installing them for privacy reasons.
  • Some popular add-ons include Asana, Dropbox, and Trello, which provide useful functionality.


Gmail is the most widely used email service worldwide. One aspect that makes it a very popular option is that we can customize many aspects of it. One of the options it provides is to use add-ons, a term that you may have heard on occasion, but you probably don't know what they are or how useful they are.

Therefore, Next we will talk more about the add-ons in Gmail. Since it is a tool that will allow us to get a lot out of Google's email platform. Ready to find out more about these add-ons?

What are add-ons in Gmail and what are they for?

Gmail add-on

Add-ons are a series of add-ons that we can install in our Gmail account. They work in a similar way to extensions in browsers. Therefore, by making use of them, we obtain a series of additional functions, which will give us the possibility of making better use of our email account. The selection has been increasing over time, and we have all kinds of add-ons.

It is a tool that gives us great functionality, by easily adding additional functions to Gmail. So we will be able to get much more out of our email account on the platform. The way to add them is simple, we show you at the end of the article, and we have many types. For the most part, they are developed by third parties, which in many cases are known companies.

Since we have add-ons like Asana, DropBox or Trello available for Gmail, which are services that many users know today. While it is true that we have to be careful when using them. Since when installing them, we are giving access so that they can see our emails, which is not exactly ideal when it comes to privacy.

Therefore, before installing an add-on, we must check if it is something that we are really going to use and it provides us with good functionality. This will help when determining which ones we want to install. In addition, we should only install those that we know are reliable, of quality or are from companies that we know. In this way we will not have problems when using them in our Gmail account.

How to add add-ons in Gmail

Gmail add-ons

Adding this type of add-ons in our email account is something really simple, because we carry out the entire process from the same account. So it is really easy and quick to do. We have to enter our Gmail account first, and in the inbox we look at the right side of the screen.

We will see that there is a button with the symbol «+», on which we must click. By doing so, it will lead us directly to the page where we find the add-ons that are currently available for our email account. We then look in this list for the one we want to use in our case and then click on it.

When you click on one, the file for that extension that we are going to install in Gmail opens on the screen. We then have to look at the top right of the screen. There we will see that we have a blue button that says install, which is the one we are going to have to click on to install said add-on.

The permissions that this extension needs to work in Gmail, so we simply give it to allow. Next, the installation process is carried out and in a few seconds we will have said add-on active in our Gmail account. With these steps we have already installed one, and we can repeat the process with all those that we consider are useful to use in our email account.

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