What is and what is a firewall or firewall for?

  • The firewall is a security system that blocks unauthorized access to the computer.
  • There are two main types of firewalls: software and hardware.
  • The firewall does not remove malware, it only attempts to block its access.
  • It is recommended to combine the firewall with an antivirus for complete protection.


The term firewall or firewall has been with us for many years. It is something that on more than one occasion we have read or heard something about. For this reason, it is sure that for many it is interesting to know more about them, from what they are and how useful they are, to the way in which they are integrated into the operating system. Since it is something important.

So if you have ever wanted to know more about the firewall or firewall, we tell you more below. To make this concept that has become so common in this world of computing a bit clearer. An essential element in computer protection.

What is the firewall or firewall

Windows Firewall

The firewall is a security system present on the computer. It is intended to block unauthorized access to the computer at all times. Without this preventing the computer from having communication with other services, which do have authorization. It is one of the oldest security measures that was implemented on computers when the Internet was born. It is in the late 80s when the first hackers began to take their footsteps, when this system was introduced.

The firewall has evolved over time. It has been improved so that it will be able to analyze the information that enters the computer more efficiently and filter threats in this way. But despite these changes, its purpose has been maintained every year. It is intended to establish security criteria and filter those communications that do not meet these criteria.

The criteria are something that has clearly evolved over time. This is essential, as threats have evolved over time, so this security has to be kept up-to-date. Although it is a security tool or system, it is important to know that the firewall does not remove malware that tries to enter the computer. What it does is block or attempt to block access.

Firewall types

Currently we can find two types of firewalls available. There may be software or hardware, although also a combination of both is possible. That is, we can install one as an application on the computer, but it is also something that can be in the form of a device, which controls the traffic on the computer.

In the case of hardware type, they can be independent but we also find them integrated into the router, for example. In the case of internal networks, or an Intranet, it is a very popular option. For companies it is therefore something that is recommended in many cases, as a first security system in said network.

For non-business users, the most common is that a software firewall is used. So it is an application that we have or download on the computer. Windows has its own built-in firewall, which is responsible for protecting our computer. Or to prevent threats from entering it, stop as many as possible in that sense.


As we have mentioned, the firewall seeks to prevent a threat (Trojan, virus, malware ...) from sneaking onto the computer. Although it will not eliminate if one has been cast. Therefore, we have to always use it in combination with an antivirus, so that we have complete protection on our computer. This is an essential thing to keep in mind for users.

In Windows 10 we have our own firewall, which works fine in combination with Windows Defender. This combination of two tools works well. But if we want, we can always download a third-party antivirus on the computer. What is most comfortable for us in each case, to have the computer protected at all times against all kinds of threats. But the combination of firewall and antivirus is essential in this.

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