What is and how to create a VPN in Windows 10

  • VPNs are secure networks that allow geographically separated users to connect over the Internet.
  • They provide privacy, security, and access to content blocked in certain countries.
  • Creating a VPN on Windows 10 is a simple process that can be useful for both businesses and individual users.
  • It is essential to enter the connection credentials correctly to ensure access and functionality of the VPN network.

Windows 10

Surely on more than one occasion you have heard of VPNs. It is one of the safest ways to connect to the Internet. For this reason, many people use one on their Windows 10 computer. In many cases, they use applications, although we can create our own in the operating system. This is what we are going to show you next.

In this way, in addition to knowing what a VPN is, we are going to see the steps to be able to create one on our computer with Windows 10. A process that is simpler than many think, and that is sure to be useful at all times.

What is a VPN


A VPN network is a local network in which users are connected to it but are geographically separated. Access is carried out through the Internet, and it means that we will be able to navigate safely and reliably, in addition to managing our files in a private way at all times. It is a type of connection that is gaining popularity in the market, mainly because it leaves us with many advantages:

  • Data privacy and confidentiality
  • Avoid censorship (access to content blocked in our country)
  • Increased levels of security throughout
  • Better speed

How to create a VPN connection in Windows 10

Create VPN

Once we know what it is, we are now ready to create a VPN connection in Windows 10. The steps to follow are not complicated, and probably some of you have already done it. Currently many companies are making use of this type of VPN networks for workers to access their work. Especially if you work with freelancers who are all over the world. It is a safe and comfortable way to work.

The first thing we have to do is open the Windows 10 settings. We can go to the start menu or use the Win + I key combination, whichever is more comfortable for you. Within this configuration we will have to go to the network and internet section that appears in it.

In this section, we look at the left side of the screen, where we have a series of options. One of the options on the list is VPN. Therefore, we must click on it. When doing this, we get the corresponding options on the screen. The first one on the list is Add VPN, along with a + symbol.


We will get a window in which Windows 10 will ask us to enter the credentials of that network. The data that we have to enter are the following:

  • VPN provider: We must select the Windows option (integrated)
  • Connection name: Enter a name for the connection, if it is one of the work they have probably given us a name
  • Server name or address: We must put the public IP address of the router
  • VPN type: A section in which we can choose the way to establish the connection. You can choose automatic, although if it is not your own network that you are creating, you may have to choose another option from those that appear in said list
  • Login information type: The most comfortable and secure is to use a username and password
  • Username and password: Here we will have to enter the username and password in question. If it is a network, they will have already given us that information.

Once we have entered this information in this window, what we have to do is click save. In this way, this VPN connection that we just created in Windows 10 is now official. It will be saved automatically and we will be able to access it directly.

When it comes to connecting, We can do it by clicking on the WiFi icon that appears in the taskbar. By clicking on it, we get all the connections that we have available and in the upper part we will get the VPN network in question. In this way, you can connect to it in a simple way.

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