what it is and how to remove it

  • is a dangerous website that can infect our devices with adware.
  • Adware is often introduced through free applications downloaded from unsafe sites.
  • Accepting notifications from this site may lead to a flood of invasive advertisements.
  • It is crucial to remove adware and take preventive measures to ensure computer security.


If you have come this far, you probably already know that is one of those pages that we should avoid at all costs. Through it our computers are infected with adware which is annoying at best, but which can be very dangerous. That is why we have dedicated this post to explain what is and how can we remove it from our computer.

What this page does is deceive Internet users so that they authorize the sending invasive notifications. As soon as it gets our permission, this website fills our desktop with ads and managing our browser becomes an impossible task due to the continuous banner ads and pop-ups.

And yet, the avalanche of advertising is the least of worries once we have fallen into the trap of The worst of all is that we ares putting the safety of our equipment at risk. Sometimes we don't give it the importance it deserves and we put up with the ads. Or we think that by restarting the computer everything will return to its place. Unfortunately, this is not the case: it is necessary detect the contaminated file and delete it.

Let's see what can be done to completely remove the virus from our computer. And, by the way, let's also see what precautions we should take to avoid getting infected. You know, better safe than sorry.

Where does enter our computer?

Like all viruses, also uses sibylline resources to access our computers. Most of the time we don't realize it's inside until the most obvious signs start to appear. In this case, an avalanche of ads that makes normal browsing practically impossible.

The most common is that the virus sneaks in by the hand of free applications that we have downloaded from third-party sites. That is something that, as we have already seen on several occasions, we do not recommend doing.

The downloaded adware remains hidden on our PC, although we will soon notice the first symptoms. When in doubt, we can always review the Task Manager. There we will find out if there are suspicious programs running without our consent.

How to prevent entry of via a download? It's just about being a little observant. Before starting the shame, we have to pay attention to a discreet message that will probably appear in one of the corners of the screen. In it we will read something like "Allow to continue" or "Confirm notifications", all well hidden under the appearance of a normal and routine procedure. If we look a little better, we will be able to read the name of maranhesduve.

Dangers of


Let's imagine that, despite all the warnings, we have inadvertently accepted that this virus accessed our computer. The first thing we are going to notice is a cascade of advertising in our browser, regardless of what it is. Many of the ads that invite us to press "Ok", "yes" or "accept" are there to redirect us to dangerous pages.

These ads contain false promises of awesome PC optimizers that will try to convince you. There is also the risk that we naively press “OK” to remove that annoying ad from view. Serious mistake: by doing that we will have opened the door to unwanted visitors.

This is where the real danger lies. This publicity landing is only the access bridge for the virus to access the files on our computers, stealing our private information, IP address, geographic location, browsing history, the list of installed applications... The stakes are too high not to be taken seriously.

How to remove

Let's go to the solutions section. Here we will firstly see how to block notifications from and, lastly, how to permanently delete this virus.

Block notifications

Here are the steps to follow for those using the Chrome browser:

  1. To start, we open the browser Google Chrome.
  2. Then we click on the three point menu, which is in the upper right corner.
  3. select "Setting".
  4. Inside the section "Privacy & Security", we are going to "Site settings".
  5. select "Notifications".
  6. Finally, in the application that we consider suspicious, we go to three point menu and we select "Remove".

Clear from control panel

These instructions are valid for Windows 10:

  1. In the search engine, we write Control panel and click on it.
  2. Now we are going to "Uninstall a program" and we look for all those that may be related to maranhesduve (they usually contain this word in the description).
  3. Finally, we click on "Uninstall".

Delete extensions

This virus can also install dangerous browser extensions. if you use Chrome, this is what we should do:

  1. We open the browser Google Chrome.
  2. We click on the three point menu, which we find in the upper right corner.
  3. select "Setting".
  4. In the menu on the left, we are going to "Extensions".
  5. We delete the extensions that contain the term maranhesduve and restart.

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