What is Snap Layouts in Windows 11 and how it can help you be more productive

  • Snap Layouts in Windows 11 streamline the organization of open windows, increasing productivity.
  • Provides predefined layouts and automatic adjustments for window arrangement.
  • Supports multiple monitors, remembering window positions even when disconnecting.
  • Keyboard shortcuts provide quick access to Snap Layouts features.

How to use Snap Layouts

Productivity is something that concerns us all, but it can be affected when we enter “multitasking” mode and have many windows open at the same time on our computer. Luckily, Windows 11 has a feature that will help us, it is Snap Layouts.

If you are one of those who usually have several windows open on the screen at the same time, this functionality will allow you to access information in a simpler and more organized way, which will increase your productivity.

What is Snaps Layouts?

This feature that we find in Windows 11 allows us to organize and manage multiple windows in a more efficient way, thereby improving our experience and increasing our productivity.

Through this tool we can select and apply different predefined window designs based on our tastes and needs. This prevents us from having to manually resize and place the windows, which It is something that takes away from our effective work time.

What functionalities does it offer us?

What functionalities does it offer us?

As soon as you know a little better about everything this functionality can offer you, you will want to start using it, so take good note of what it can do for you:

Selection of predefined layouts

So that you don't have to reposition the windows over and over again, you can choose the configuration you want in advance. For example, dividing the screen into halves, in thirds or another combination that seems best to you.

It also has a quick access system that makes your work easier because, when you hover the mouse cursor over the maximize button in any window, a Drop-down menu that gives you several layout options.

Automatic window adjustment

Drag windows to designated areas of the screen and they will automatically adjust to the specific size and position of the layout you've chosen.

Plus, Snap Layouts shows you visual guides when you drag a window to the edge of the screen, indicating the possible adjustment positions.

Customizable layouts

You decide how you want to arrange the screens:

  • Two windows next to each other.
  • Three windows in columns, with one larger and two smaller ones.
  • Four windows in a grid shape.

Simple and fast interaction

This functionality has been designed to be intuitive and easy to use. For this reason, when you select a design, you are shown thumbnails of the open windows, so that You can select and adjust areas quickly.

On the other hand, you can resize the adjusted windows dynamically, maintaining in any case the original proportion of the design.

Multi-monitor support

If you work with multiple monitors, also you can take advantage of Snap Layouts. In fact, it can be your best ally when it comes to organizing information in a coherent way.

Even if you disconnect a monitor, or turn off the computer, Windows remembers the position of the windows in the layout you have been using and recovers it automatically.

How to use Snap Layouts?

How to use Snap Layouts?

To start you have to open a window, select it and move it with the cursor to the top of the screen. A tab will then be displayed in which you have different anchoring options at your disposal. Keep in mind that the number of templates available will depend on the size of your monitor, its resolution and scaling.

All you have to do is drag the window to the layout you prefer to use. Within the design, you can choose the specific space in which you want that window to be located. At that moment a shadow appears on the screen that allows you to preview the final position of the window.

If the result is to your liking, all you have to do is release the window in the desired position, and it will remain anchored there.

Another way to access the configuration and screen layout options is to hold the mouse cursor over the button to maximize the window. The available designs will appear.

Snap Layouts with keyboard shortcuts

If you prefer to work through keyboard shortcuts, you can also do it with this functionality. The key combinations are as follows:

  • Windows + right arrow. It takes you the active window to the right side of the screen.
  • Windows + left arrow. Positions the active window on the left loop. Depending on the organization you have applied to your desktop, the size of the windows may not be the same.
  • Windows + top arrow. These commands maximize the window. Although in some distributions what it does is place the active window in one of the two upper corners.
  • Windows + bottom arrow. Minimizes the window or sends it to the bottom corners of the screen.

Tricks to improve your productivity when working with several windows open

Tricks to improve your productivity when working with several windows open

If Snap Layouts is not enough to improve your productivity, here are some extra tips that can help you:

Virtual desktops

Create virtual desktops to separate different tasks or projects. For example, in one of them you can have everything related to tables and databases and in another what you need to Be in communication with co-workers, clients and suppliers.

You can use different wallpapers and themes to quickly identify each virtual desktop and avoid wasting time.

Task pinning

If you always use the same apps, pinning them to the taskbar will give you quick access to them. This can be very useful if you normally work with many windows open, This way you won't have to minimize or move them to find the icon of the application you need to open right at that moment.

Navigation tab management

Most browsers have tab grouping functionality. This allows you to group the websites you have open by topic, which will make it easier for you to access information and It will prevent you from going from one page to another trying to locate a certain piece of information.

Periodic revision

Every so often, check all the virtual windows and desktops you have open to close what you no longer need.

It is also interesting that you create work routines in which you block time for do specific tasks like checking and answering emails.

With the help of Snap Layouts and productivity tricks like these, your work or study time should go much further.

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