What to do if a program in Windows 10 won't close

  • Use the Alt+F4 key combination to try to close programs in Windows 10.
  • Task Manager is an effective tool to end unresponsive tasks.
  • The command prompt allows you to close programs using specific commands.
  • Several options are available to fix program closing issues in Windows 10.

Windows 10

In our day to day we use a multitude of programs on our Windows 10 computer. This may mean that on occasion there is a failure or problem with any of these programs. Many times, closing said program is the way to fix the bug. But there are times when the problem is that we cannot close a certain program.

In this type of situation, we have a series of options to be able to try to close this program in Windows 10. So that the problems end and we do not have to worry about anything. There are several options, so there is probably one that works well.

Keyboard shortcut

A very common method that we can resort to if we want to close a program in Windows 10, is to use a combination of keys that most probably already know. The Alt + F4 key combination allows that we are going to close a window that is open at that moment, like that of a program that we are using on the computer. It is a trick that usually works very well in these cases.

Therefore, if this program does not close, because it has stopped responding or has been frozen, we can try this key combination. Most likely it will close. So the problem is solved. In the event that it does not work, we have more tools available on the computer.

Windows 10
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Windows 10 Task Manager

Pin task manager

An option that we resort to regularly if a program in Windows 10 does not close, is to use the task manager. It is an effective method that allows us to close those programs that do not close at a certain time. To open this manager on the computer, we use the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del and then a new window will open. In this window we have to select the task manager. After a few seconds it opens on the screen.

Then we have to go to the processes tab, located at the top of the task manager. We will see that what comes out in the first place are the programs that are running at that moment on our computer. Among them will come this program that we could not close. Then, we right click with the mouse on said program and click on the option to finish task that will appear in the context menu.

By doing this, it is normal that this program is going to close. It can take a few seconds in some cases, depending on the program and whether or not it was blocked in Windows 10. But it is presented as a method that works well in this case and that without a doubt allows to close said program.

Windows 10
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Symbol of the system

Symbol of the system

Another method we can resort to is using the command prompt, where we have a section where we can see the processes or programs that are open or running in Windows 10. In this way, we will be able to close it in this way as well. It can be an option to consider if the others have failed in this regard.

We use the Win + X key combination to open it or use the search bar on the computer. When we are inside that window, we have to write the tasklist command in it. When using this command we will see that those processes and programs that are in operation in Windows 10 come out. Among them should be that program that we cannot close. We have to look at the name of its executable in this case.

So, we go to the end of the list and write this command: taskkill / im program_programname.exe where we have to put the name of the program where we have put that. So if the one you want to close is chrome, the command would look like this: taskkill / im program_chrome.exe and then you will see how the browser closes. It is another option that works well and that allows us to close a program in Windows 10 that for whatever reason we cannot close.

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