We are all used to using our computers on a regular basis, for work or for leisure. But sometimes, they can fail us when we need them most. What to do when the computer does not boot? It turns on, but there seems to be no response and the operating system does not start. A frustrating situation.
It is important to distinguish the fact that Windows does not start from a problem with the physical power of the computer that can be related to the failure of some hardware component, such as the power supply, or even a faulty button. In these cases, the best thing to do is go to a computer repair shop.
Although Windows It is an increasingly reliable operating system, it is not completely free of problems. One of them is not being able to start at the time of turning on the computer. Before trying anything, it doesn't hurt to try the old trick of turn off and turn on the computer, a simple method that solves our problems most of the time.
In summary, it can be said that this error can have many different causes, but luckily there are solutions for almost all of them. It is best to try them one by one, scrupulously following the order in which we present them below:
Check cables and power supply
If it is a desktop computer, this is the first thing to do: check that the PC is receiving the necessary power supply to function. Many times we ignore these basic aspects and we get complicated when in reality the problem can be easily solved. These causes must be ruled out by trying different cables and plugs.
A very common case (it can happen to anyone) is that the monitor cable is not properly connected, so we will not see anything on the screen, even if the computer has started normally.
Disconnect external devices
It is likely that some external device connected to our computer is interfering at boot time. This is another thing we should try: unplug everything and try to boot again. If, after doing this, the problem has disappeared, we will have identified its origin.
Boot into safe mode
When it is impossible to start our computer from Windows, we will always have the possibility to try booting in safe mode. In this post We explain how to do it step by step. Once we have been able to access Windows in safe mode, it will be easier to detect the problem and remedy it.
Many times the origin of the error is in a new program that we have recently installed, in update errors and similar situations.
So far we have referred to a series of problems and solutions that are within the reach of any average user. The following tips and checks are only recommended for people with slightly higher technical knowledge. Otherwise, we run the risk of making a mistake and making the situation worse:
Check power supply
When we are sure that the computer is receiving electrical power and that there is no external device interfering with the boot process, we must "open the belly" of our computer and check that the power supply cable is well connected. Sometimes it is necessary to replace the cable with a new one.
In addition to this, it is also necessary to review the connections that go from the power supply to the motherboard. Actually, that is usually the origin of many of the connection errors that cause us to find that the computer does not start. We are referring to the 24-pin ATX connection, the EPS/CPU connector and the pins on the case (HDD+, LED, POWER SW and RESET SW). Everything must be in place for the computer to boot without problems.
Check connections and status of RAM memory
This is the next step on our checklist. It often happens that la RAM It is not well connected or it has some of its slots damaged. If so, we can always try to change its location or make sure that the connections are connected correctly.
Damage to the motherboard, CPU, etc.
Once all of the above has been ruled out, if our computer does not start despite everything, it can only be deduced that the problem is on the motherboard. It is very likely that it is damaged. One way to be sure that this is the cause of the problem is to connect a motherboard tester to the computer via USB and let him make a diagnosis of the situation.
Depending on the results, we can decide if something can be done with it or if the time has come to replace it with a new one.
The same can be said when the problems stem from a damaged or faulty CPU or graphics card.