What version of Windows 10 do I have

  • Microsoft introduces new features with each build of Windows 10.
  • There are several ways to find out the version and build of the operating system installed.
  • The easiest method is to use the 'winver' command in Cortana.
  • You can also access settings to check system specifications.

What version of Windows 10 do I have

With each new build of Windows, Microsoft adds new functionality. In addition, it also introduces new configuration options, options with which we can activate or deactivate functionalities of the operating system, which forces us to know what is the version of Windows 10 that we have installed on our computer.

Windows offers us different ways of knowing which is the Windows version, however, not all of them allow us to know which is the Windows compilation. If you want to know which is the Windows compilation of your copy of Windows 10, then We explain how to do it.

Method 1

The first method we have to know which is the Windows 10 compilation is through the Windows configuration options.

  • First, we must access the Windows configuration options by pressing  Windows key + R.
  • Next, click on System.
  • Within the system, click on About.
  • In the right column, we go to the bottom until Windows Specifications. The number of the compilation that we need, we find it in Version. In this case it is the 2004 version.

Method 2

What version of Windows 10 do I have

The second method to know which is the Windows 10 compilation that we have installed on our computer is much simpler. All we have to do is access Cortana's search box and type winver. Then a window will be displayed with the Windows build information. In this case, as in the previous one, it is the 2004 version.

Through third-party applications, we also have the possibility to know which is the build of Windows 10, but it does not make any sense to install this type of application when natively we have different options to know that information.

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