WhatsApp Beta for Windows 10 Mobile is updated again


Just three days ago WhatsApp for Windows 10 Mobile It was updated with interesting news and now it is the turn of the trial version of the most used instant messaging application worldwide. This version known as WhatsApp Beta, which is only available to a few Windows 10 Mobile users, already has new features and today we are going to tell you about them in this article.

As we have already mentioned, this version is not public and the available news will not reach the public version for a few days or weeks. The main novelty that we will find is the possibility of mentioning a user, within a group for example, as can already be done in Telegram, another of the most famous applications of this type.

With just placing an @ in front of the user's name we will make the mention and with just clicking on it we will see the profile of the person mentioned. This option is really useful, although that is nothing new that we have not already seen in other similar applications.

As we have been able to know this new version of WhatsApp beta also arrives loaded with improvements and above all a list of corrections, which will make the use of WhatsApp in Windows 10 Mobile totally satisfactory. At the moment the launch of a new public version of WhatsApp is not announced, although we believe that it should not take too long for us to start quoting users.

Do you think WhatsApp for Windows 10 Mobile should improve more quickly to offer all users a better service?.

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