Where is the text size changer in Creators Update?

  • Microsoft updates its operating system, removing useful features for some users.
  • The option to change the size of text and applications has been disabled.
  • The scaling can be adjusted in Settings > Display alternatively.
  • There are accessibility tools to improve visibility in Windows 10.


The Microsoft team is constantly updating its operating system, this has of course good things and less good things. An example is that on more than one occasion they choose to make a good range of functions disappear completely, without consulting the users. Although it is true that they get rid of functionalities that most people do not generally use, those users who do enjoy these configuration possibilities are left "hanging". We have a question, where is the text size changer, applications and other elements in Creators Update? We are going to give you a solution in Windows News.

This function has been officially deactivated by Microsoft itself, so we will have to find an alternative solution, at least effective for this type of task. To do this in Settings> Display we have the function "Scale" which will allow us to resize the size a bit. It is not as specific, but it will allow us to customize these sections that have generated so many headaches.

If when we use this kind of alternative we continue to see blurred text, we can use the «Make Windows easier to see«. For this we have many different provisions within Settings> AccessibilityIt will be a matter of finding the configuration that best suits our needs, in order to try to make it as easy as possible to see the content.

Little or no solution already has the matter when Microsoft has decided to eliminate this function with a single stroke, the Redmond team has argued that this customization caused conflicts and errors in different parts of the Windows 10 operating system such as the Control Panel or the Start Menu. In short, if you used this function, we hope that our substitute has served you, because there will be no possible alternative.

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