Skype has become, on its own merits, and for all those looking for an acceptable quality in video calls, the ideal solution, but not only in this sense, but also when it comes to make calls to both landlines and mobiles around the world.
While it is true that other applications such as Viber allow us to make calls to landlines and mobiles around the world, the quality of the calls is quite far from that offered by Skype. Returning to Skype, one of its most interesting functions allows us to blur the background of video calls.
In previous articles, we have shown you how we can blur the background of our video calls via Skype, a function that makes use of artificial intelligence to be able to separate the animate objects (us) from the inanimate ones (background and foreground objects).
However, it is likely that after searching again and again for this function you have not found it. The problem is not due to the version of Skype that you have installed on your computer managed by Windows 10 or earlier versions, but we found it on your own computer.
For our team to be able to blur the background of the calls this must be compatible with Advanced Vector Extensions 2, AVX 2 for its acronym in English). If our equipment is not compatible with these extensions, we will never be able to activate this function through Skype.
The Advanced Vector Extensions 2, came from Intel's Haswell generation in 2013, so if you bought your equipment before that year, or in the same year, it is likely that your processor is not compatible.
The only solution to be able to activate this option is update our equipment for a more modern one, since we cannot emulate or deceive the application to be able to simulate that our equipment is compatible with advanced vector extensions of the second generation, since the first ones are not worth us.