Windows 10 Mobile prepares to support fingerprint readers

  • Windows 10 Mobile continues to find its place in the market.
  • The Anniversary update will include support for fingerprint readers.
  • Fingerprint readers improve security on mobile devices.
  • Manufacturers are expected to integrate this feature into their smartphones.

10 Windows Mobile

10 Windows Mobile It is still looking for its place in the market, but Microsoft does not want to put aside its new mobile operating system and continues to try to improve and offer users interesting news and new functions. Among them is giving fingerprint reader support, so widely used in Android devices and that at the moment, unfortunately for almost all, have no place in the Windows universe.

As we have been able to know, this possibility may be a reality with the arrival of the update baptized as Anniversary and that will see the light on July 29 when it is one year since the official arrival of Windows 10 to the market.

This does not mean that we are going to immediately see a mobile device with Windows 10 Mobile and a fingerprint reader., but it opens the possibility for different manufacturers to implement a reader of this type in their terminals. Perhaps once again the first has to be Microsoft, and who knows if it does not surprise us with a new Lumia very soon that already incorporates a fingerprint reader strategically located somewhere on the smartphone.

The options offered by fingerprint readers are known to almost everyone and do not go much beyond offering us great security when unlocking our terminal or some applications, especially those of banks, which have been integrating these readers into your day to day.

For now, we have to wait for the arrival of the new Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile update, and then wait a little longer for the arrival of the first terminal with a Windows operating system that incorporates a fingerprint reader.

Do you think a fingerprint reader is necessary on smartphones with Windows 10 Mobile?.

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