Windows 10 will remove blue light from our screens

  • Microsoft will introduce Blue Light Reduction feature in Windows 10.
  • The feature will reduce blue light on screens to improve health.
  • It will be released first in the Fast Ring of updates.
  • There are alternatives like f.lux for those who use the slow ring.

Surface Pro 4

As we learned yesterday through social networks, Microsoft is working on a new feature that will be incorporated into Windows 10 soon.

This function is known as Blue Light Reduction and consists of eliminate blue light from screens or at least the user can reduce it, thus reducing the health dangers that exist when reading for a long time on LCD screens or similar, such as tablets, monitors or mobile phones.

Apparently this new function on the blue light will not be something that we have to wait for it to be incorporated in the July update but will be carried out soon through the rings. As usual, first will be included in the quick ring and later it will be included in the slow ring. In any case, this function will allow the user to control the blue light emissions that the devices generate and will also allow certain applications to benefit from it, such as web browsers, Microsoft Word or reading apps.

There are alternatives to remove blue light in Windows 10 but they are not from Microsoft

Currently many operating systems are including this feature, something that it was unheard of when Amazon included it in their Android fork and that now Android, iOS and Gnu / Linux have natively incorporated.

In recent months many companies are creating tablets with Windows 10, devices that focus mainly on the world of reading, which is why the inclusion of Blue Light Reduction is interesting and important for many, at least for these users who use their tablet as a reading device or they are using it as a work tool.

If you have the fast ring, it will be a matter of days how long it will take to try it but if you have the slow ring and you want to try to work or read without blue light, there are very good alternatives that are not from Microsoft, such as f.lux.

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