At the doors of Windows 8.1, now many are looking for a way to deactivate their Start Button

  • The appearance of the Start Button in Windows 8.1 has generated divided opinions among users.
  • Some prefer third-party tools to disable the Home Button due to its lack of functionality.
  • StartlsGone is a free application that allows you to hide the Start Button in Windows 8.1.
  • StartlsGone is easy to set up and integrates directly into the taskbar.

Someone could say that this is one of the most regular situations that can arise in our daily life, because without a certain moment we believe that we do not have all the means to work, when they already appear before our eyes, we may say that we no longer need them as before. This is the case that has been mentioned by a few users regarding the Windows 8.1 Start Button.

Nobody knows whether to justify or criticize this type of attitudes, since if the update of Windows 8.1 proposed by Microsoft, has mentioned the integration of your Home Button, The one that you want to eliminate is perhaps a sign of the adaptability that its users have had with its absence, or simply that this element does not keep the same characteristics of what we had previously enjoyed in Windows 7.

Third-party application to disable the Windows 8.1 start button

Once you've downloaded, installed, or upgraded to Windows 8.1 on your personal computer, the presence of this Start Button will always be present on your desktop, to which you will not be able to eliminate it in a conventional way; what you can do is use a third-party application, which in this case has the name of StartlsGone and advantageously, you can use it completely free.

disable the Windows 8.1 start button

This app is only compatible with Windows 8.1 (how could it be otherwise), a tool that does not have any type of interface to configure it, but rather, only it is housed in the task bar of our operating system; from there we will only have to activate the option that says "Run at startup" and voila, every time our operating system starts, the much-missed Start Button will no longer appear on our desktop screen.

More information - Windows 8.1 places a different start button than the traditional one, New Start Button Functionalities and Features Leaked in Windows 8.1

Source - nirmaltv

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      Mantle said

    Thank you very much for the information, I really like Windows 8 a lot, now I want to install Win 8.1, but I find that the Start button looks very ugly, I like that it is not visible.

    PS: I want to add that, those who say that Win 8 is bad, it is because they did not know how to use it, it really is the best version of Windows since 98SE.


         Rodrigo Pacheco said

      Greetings. Many people think the same, that the start button should have the same functions as those present in previous versions, so maybe Microsoft will return it in its rumored Windows 9. Greetings and thanks for your visit.

      Anonymous said

    Because of the complaints that Windows 8 was bad (precisely because they don't want to learn how to use it, they always want to go back and not advance to something new), now Microsoft has added unnecessary buttons in excess to satisfy those stupid complaints. Since the last update of windows 8.1 they have added an X button (close) and a _ (minimize) button in the corners of the applications that open in full screen, even when there was already a (non-visual) way to close those windows for nothing impossible to do with a mouse (for those who keep saying it was only for touchscreens). If everyone who complained learned to use Windows 8, they would see that those buttons are absolutely unnecessary and unsightly. Now, thanks to your complaints, there are 3 different visual ways to close a window.

    You can also find the Start button 3 times in the Windows 8.1 interface, not counting the start button on the keyboard. It's amazing that people complained about its absence when you could find it in 3 different places. For their complaints they added the fourth. What a saturation of absurd buttons!

         Rodrigo Pacheco said

      Dear "Anonymous". Your comment is well received but I must note that the current Start button is not even the least part of what was seen in Windows 7. Anyway, the fact that it has been removed is justifiable if we know how to handle the « Starting screen". I myself never used Windows 8 due to lack of adaptability in professional Multimedia Edition applications. But I must mention that now I have Windows 8.1 which is already better with the new benefits.

      I want you to notice a part of your comment “… now Microsoft has added unnecessary buttons in excess to satisfy those stupid complaints. »My dear friend, if you run a company and they ask for changes in management that are trivial, would you accept them? Microsoft never loses money and knows that "it is honorable to admit mistakes" and therefore correct them.

      A esteemed greeting «Anonymous» and regardless of your identity, but your appreciation is valid, but also that of others.