Windows Defender eventually shuts down in Windows 8

  • Windows Defender may have intermittent issues, occasionally displaying outdated versions.
  • It is considered by Microsoft to be the best antivirus for Windows 8 without the need for additional software.
  • Error 0x800106a can be fixed by adjusting the service settings on the system.
  • If problems persist, it is recommended to consult additional sources for more complex solutions.

error in Windows Defender

A recent news in a Windows blog, mentions that Windows Defender could be working intermittently, which means that if at a certain moment it is acting and working normally, there may be another moment in which it does not open and even, a message may appear stating that the version in use is out of date.

For Microsoft, Windows Defender it is the best antivirus that can exist for Windows 8, not being necessary to install any other software that offers computer security on the computer. In any case, despite Microsoft's claims defending the working efficiency of this antivirus, the software may fail at any given time, and a few sequential steps must be taken to try to correct said error.

Windows Defender Error 0x800106a

In order to correct this error that could be occurring in Windows Defender For Windows 8, we only have to perform a small procedure, which is very easy to execute:

  • First of all we must make sure that Windows Defender is present.
  • After that we will do the Win + R key combination.
  • In the dialog space we must write services.msc.
  • A new window will appear, having to look there for the Windows Defender Service.
  • Once we have found it, we must double click on said service.

That is all we have to do, a procedure that will show us a new window and where we should make sure that in a "Startup Type" the Automatic option must be selected, something that needs to be changed if "Stopped" is set there instead.

After having configured the service window Windows Defender, We close it by clicking OK and then restarting the computer. If for some reason this procedure does not give an effective result, we recommend that you visit the source page from which we have extracted this news, because there it explains another procedure a little more complex that you will have to perform, with some care.

More information - Windows Defender Offline Tool to kill malware

Source - thewindowsclub

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