Wrap text in a shape in PowerPoint

  • PowerPoint is a versatile and easy-to-use tool for creating engaging visual presentations.
  • Wrapping text in figures improves the readability and aesthetics of presentations.
  • A well-written text makes the most of space and clarifies the message to the audience.
  • Customizing PowerPoint presentations increases your professionalism and communicative effectiveness.

Wrap text in a shape in PowerPoint

PowerPoint is Microsoft's tool designed for creating presentations through slides that synthesize information and present it in a much more visual and friendly way. For the result to be good, it is important to know how to use it well and know all its tricks. With the one we are going to see today, you will be able to wrap text in a shape in PowerPoint.

Something that will be especially useful for giving more dynamism to your presentations, including geometric shapes such as circles or triangles, and making sure that the text is well inserted within them.

Why are PowerPoint presentations so popular?

Why PowerPoint presentations are so popular

PPT presentations have become a classic in both the professional and academic fields. Every time a person has toand carry out an information presentation and needs to rely on graphic material, he resorts to them. This is so, because PowerPoint offers us multiple advantages:

  • Easy to use. It is a very easy to use tool, which allows us to work even from predesigned templates. Its operation is very intuitive and, in a short time, all users are able to create a simple and visually attractive presentation.
  • Versatility. This tool can be used for different purposes. It is useful for making presentations business and educational exhibitions, but also to present research reports, or to propose a project proposal.
  • Compatibility. Presentations created with PowerPoint can be played on a wide variety of devices and platforms, making them highly accessible to a diverse audience. In addition, presentations can be exported in video or PDF format, among others.
  • Attractive visual design. Thanks to its tools, and tricks such as adjusting the text in a figure in PowerPoint, you can create very attractive designs from a visual point of view. Something that helps capture and retain the audience's attention, improving the transmission of information.
  • Organization and structure. This tool makes it easy to structure content by dividing it into slides. So the audience accesses well-organized information, which makes it easier to maintain their attention.
  • Effective communication. PPT presentations are very useful for communicating ideas, explaining concepts and providing data in a visual and concise way. Supporting the speech with visual elements that reinforce the message transmitted and facilitate understanding by the audience.
  • Integration with other programs. As with other programs in Microsoft's office suite, PowerPoint easily integrates with Word, Excel, and Outlook.

Why should you wrap text in a shape in PowerPoint?

Why should you wrap text in a shape in PowerPoint?

If you are already a user of this tool and want to continue advancing to create higher quality presentations, you have to know how the text fits within different figures. Why this It will give more quality to your work.


When you wrap text in a figure, you ensure that the text is readable to your audience. The goal is for it to be within the margins of the figure, but not so small that it is difficult to read.


A well-adjusted text is another element that adds attractiveness and professionalism to the presentation. If the text is well aligned within the figure, it looks neater and more polished, thereby improving the general quality of the work you have done.

Use of space

By fitting text in a figure you are efficiently using the available space. This is especially important if you are working on slides that contain multiple visual elements and You need to ensure that all content is presented clearly and concisely.

Message clarity

A geometric figure in a PPT presentation immediately attracts attention. Almost unintentionally, the audience's eyes are directed towards it, so it is essential that the text inside is well read and understood.

If you have correctly adjusted the size of the text to the figure, you will achieve your goal of ensuring that the information is received clearly and directly.

How to wrap text in a shape in PowerPoint?

How to wrap text in a shape in PowerPoint?

If until now you did it by reducing the size until all the text fit within the limits of the figure, you already know that you have been doing it wrong. Because this reduces the quality of your work and makes the text not well readable.

Let's see how to do it right:

  • Right click on the figure and choose the option “Shape format”.
  • In the external menu that appears on the right of the screen, click on “Size and properties”.
  • Change the right and left margins to zero centimeters.

Another easier way to include shapes in your presentations and adjust the content well is to insert a text box and write the content in it. Then you can customize it with a transparent background and place it on top of the figure you are interested in. The visual result will be exactly the same as if you use the solution we have seen before.

If you want to take your PowerPoint management a step further and include different shapes than the predefined ones in your presentations, you can create them yourself. Start by inserting two shapes that you want to combine, such as a circle and a triangle. Then, in the menu access “Shape format” and select “Combine shapes.” Both figures are going to merge and create one that fits what you were looking for. After, You can include and adjust the text in the way we have already seen.

These PowerPoint tricks will help you get much more out of this tool. Thanks to them you will get:

  • More effective communication. You will convey your ideas clearly and concisely, combining text with images and graphics that help capture and retain attention.
  • More professional presentations. With these tricks you will improve the result and make presentations that convey the effort and dedication you have put into them.
  • Personalization. The better you know how to use PowerPoint, the more original and different your presentations will be. You can adjust them according to the needs of each moment.

Wrapping text in a shape in PowerPoint is much easier than you imagined. A simple action that will take your presentations to the next level in terms of professionalism and aesthetic quality. Try it and tell us your experience!

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