Xiaomi announces that it will pre-install Office and Skype on its Android terminals

  • Xiaomi and Microsoft sign patent sharing agreement
  • Xiaomi will preinstall Skype and Microsoft Office on several devices.
  • Selected devices include Xiaomi Mi 5 and Redmi Note 3.
  • This agreement facilitates Xiaomi's entry into the US market.


Xiaomi and Microsoft have signed an agreement that they have called as the beginning of a long duration. To ensure this relationship, Microsoft has sold 1.500 patents to Xiaomi, apart from what is the pact for the use of patents owned by the two.

Also, Xiaomi will pre-install Skype and Microsoft Office on certain smartphones and tablets. The apps will be installed in the month of September on a large number of devices that we will list below in case you have any of them.

The devices that will have Microsoft apps installed are: Xiaomi Mi 5, Xiaomi Mi Max, Xiaomi Mi 4s, Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 and Xiaomi Redmi 3. The exact apps that will be available are Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Skype.

It is not the first time that Microsoft and Xiaomi have worked together, the truth is that Redmond released a custom ROM that allows the Xiaomi Mi 4 have Windows 10 Mobile. There is also a version of the Xiaomi Mi Pad 2 in which Windows 10 Mobile works.

Also, this agreement will allow Xioami target a US market in which it has had serious problems to break through due to licenses and patents. By having this pact for the use of patents, we can hope that the Chinese company will begin to take its first steps in a market on which it has focused for a few years, although the truth has always measured well the possible steps to take.

Everything seems to be taken with Microsoft and the announcement of Mi Box in Google I / O 2016 are two roads to take to go expanding internationally. A fact for which it has been partly criticized for not meeting expectations in this regard and having been one of the culprits for the smartphone market to falter in recent years due to the force with which it emerged.

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